For Newborn Babies
Newborn babies present breastfeeding challenges for both first-time mums and seasoned mums because every baby is different! If you're struggling in any way, I can help you, including with:
difficulty latching on (positioning and attaching)
colic/reflux/unsettled babies
tongue ties and lip ties
concerns about growth/weight gain
breast refusal or fussiness
use of nipple shields
mixed feeding methods
For Mums
If your birth experience was less than ideal, you have underlying health issues or you don’t feel ‘right’ breastfeeding, I can help you find your happy feed! If you experience any of the following, please get in touch:
sore/cracked nipples
painful breastfeeding
mastitis, blocked ducts or breast pain
low milk supply or oversupply
breastfeeding after breast reduction or augmentation (implants)
relactation or inducing lactation
As Baby Grows
As your baby grows, your breastfeeding journey will evolve and new challenges may present themselves. Even if you’ve had a great start to breastfeeding, issues can arise that are confusing or that you'd like support with. I can help you navigate through your options when it comes to:
baby sleep issues
changes to feeding patterns
concerns about growth/weight gain
mixed feeding methods
returning to work/study while breastfeeding
weaning/stopping breastfeeding gently
breastfeeding past 1 year
tandem feeding (when a new baby comes along)